Inter-Family Letters
This Letter is to Gene Farrow's Mother from Joe Luckey's Mother

It is two months today the boys are missing. July 10, 1944
Dear Mrs. Farrow,
I am wondering if you have any news of your son Gene, since I last wrote you. We still have not received any word as to Joe, whether he is prisoner of war or what, but I did receive a letter from the War department the other day, telling me of their plane. It seemed that they were over their target when they were attacked by enemy aircraft. Their plane lagged back of the formation, then for about 15 minutes they came back into formation again, and then again they had to fall behind, and their plane was last seen over Yugoslavia. The way I figure, they were on their way back to their base, and were trying to get back if they could. I understand Lieut. Gampel, the bombadier, and the Radio Operator, and one of the gunners, Sgt. McCracken and Sgt. Poulson, have been listed as prisoners of war and their folks have their address and I wondered if you had heard any news like that. I have written Mrs. Lackey, Lieut. Lackey's wife but have not heard anything from her as yet, but I believe she has gone to Missouri to visit Lt. Lackey's mother.
I hope you are well, Mrs Farrow, and still keep faith in our son's being alright. By the way, your boy's name was listed in the Chicago papers, with my son's name as missing in action, so if you would like I will send the clipping to you.
Regards and keep faith with us,
Mrs. Viola Lackey
205 South La Vergne Ave.
Chicago, 44, Illinois